Trafigura ontkent; ‘gifschip niet zo giftig’

"Tests conducted by the company and others show the washings
themselves to have little or no toxicity
", aldus Trafigura. Dat maakt de dood van zeven mensen in Ivoorkust toch wel zeer merkwaardig. Het bedrijf dat het gifschip Probo Koala had gecharterd, huurde om dat vast te stellen een oude bekende in uit Irak.

Update 26-9

Uitvoerder van het onderzoek Saybolt zegt dat de testen waar Trafigura mee schermt niet heel overtuigend zijn. De proefmonsters kwamen onverzegeld aan, en Saybolt-directeur Jan Heinsbroek (broer van) vraagt zich af of de uitslagen enige juridische waarde hebben.

Frapant is dat Trafigura het onafhankelijke onderzoek heeft laten uitvoeren door Saybolt, een oliecontroleur uit Vlaardingen. Beiden bedrijven kwamen in dezelfde paragraaf voor van het VN-rapport naar de fraude met het olie-voor-voedsel programma.

ontkent Trafigura dat op het schip nafta is geraffineerd tot benzine,
zoals dit weekend in de krant stond. De vermeende ‘Rich boy‘ Claude Dauphin hangt ondertussen 20 jaar cel boven het hoofd. Hij was zo onverstandig in Ivoorkust te verblijven tijdens de dumping.

Attachment : Trafigura Press Statement – London, 24 september



24 September – International commodities trading company Trafigura
stated today that contrary to speculation in the media and the activist
communities about residue washings in a recent shipment to Cote
D’Ivoire, tests conducted by the company and others show the washings
themselves to have little or no toxicity. No official analysis results
have yet been publicised but it is anticipated that these, when
released, will support the Company’s own findings. The Company itself
did send a sample of the slops waste discharged from the Probo Koala to
an independent laboratory in Rotterdam (Saybolt). This was one of four
samples taken at the Petroci jetty in Abidjan during discharge.

From this test sample Saybolt determined:

Mercaptan Sulphur – 380 mg / kg
Hydrogen Sulphide <1 (i.e. not detected)
Water 450 mg / kg

from a French analysis of a sample taken near the main site near
Abidjan also show that Hydrogen Sulphide was not present. Trafigura is
aware that an analysis has been performed on samples of the slops waste
taken at Amsterdam by the authorities during the vessel’s visit there.
Trafigura is confident that the results will be consistent in
demonstrating little if any Hydrogen Sulphide. The lack of these
results is delaying the company’s own investigations into the nature of
the incident and hindering its efforts to assist in the clean up
operation in Abidjan.

The slops waste, previously referred to by
the Dutch Authorities as ‘chemical slops’, has been blamed for an
outbreak of sickness and some deaths amongst Abidjan residents. It was
reported to have been dumped by Compagnie Tommy at domestic refuse
sites around the city. Compagnie Tommy is a certified independent
Ivorian disposal company and is not connected to Trafigura in any way.
Compagnie Tommy, who had been referred by WAIBS a local ship agent,
contracted with Trafigura (through their local subsidiary Puma Energy).

to some reports, Trafigura does not accept that it has acted improperly
in any way. It maintains that the composition of the ‘chemical slops’;
gasoline, spent caustic soda and water, is a normal by-product from the
cleaning of gasoline blendstock cargo. The slops are entirely in line
with industry practice and international regulations. Disposal
companies in the port of Abidjan are properly licensed to handle them.

the tragic events in the city, Trafigura immediately launched enquiries
and its own investigations, and has offered technical and financial
assistance to the Ivorian authorities and other agencies concerned,
with establishing the cause of the pollution and clearing it up. This
has so far resulted in the deployment of a team of experts and a high
level humanitarian visit by Claude Dauphin, the company’s President,
and Jean-Pierre Valentini, its West Africa manager. These two men are
currently held in custody in Abidjan whilst the Ivorian investigation

It is still unclear exactly what caused the tragedy
in Abidjan. Much of the recent ill-informed debate has centred on the
chemical composition of the ‘slops’, in particular the Hydrogen
Sulphide content that is thought to have been responsible for causing
the ill effects. Trafigura’s own analysis, and that of a French
company, show that Hydrogen Sulphide level was not detected in the
‘chemical slops.’ The release of the official test results are urgently
needed to confirm this. Senior Trafigura director Graham Sharp said:
“Trafigura is proud of its reputation as an ethical and responsible
global business. We take corporate and social responsibilities very
seriously. We comply with all industry and international regulations
for the transport of petroleum products and disposal of residue
washings, and have a stringent compliance programme.

has worked with West Africa for more than ten years, and continues to
invest in sustainable development and the upgrading of infrastructure,
processing and distribution for the petroleum industry. We have enjoyed
a long standing and warm relationship with the Ivory Coast.

are deeply disappointed that there have been difficulties in obtaining
sample test results held by the Dutch authorities. However, we are
examining all means available to us to obtain the full analysis. It is
unclear as to why there is a delay, but the lack of these results is
hampering our investigations and so preventing us from assisting the
Ivorian authorities, and the International Community, in understanding
the cause of the tragedy in Abidjan and effecting a comprehensive
resolution. We hope that we will have more information soon, so that we
can all concentrate on the important business of helping the Cote
d’Ivoire and the people of Abidjan at this difficult time.”


Trafigura Beheer BV
24 september 2006

Amstelveen – Als aanvulling op verschillende onjuiste en incomplete berichten in de media stelt Trafigura het op prijs om nadere mededelingen te doen.

Het gaat om details rond de Probo Koala, in verband met de gifdumping in Abidjan, Ivoorkust, medio augustus.

Gebruik van het schip Probo Koala

Het schip Probo Koala wordt door Trafigura gebruikt voor transportdoeleinden, maar bovendien als drijvende opslagtank, waarin verschillende olieladingen kunnen worden opgeslagen. Aardolie heeft per gebied van herkomst een andere samenstelling en wordt langs verschillende processen geproduceerd in een raffinaderij. Als ladingen gasoline blend stock door schepen van Trafigura worden ingenomen dan worden ze bij ontvangst gereinigd. Dit is een standaard procedure en er wordt gebruik gemaakt van caustic soda om onregelmatigheden te verwijderen. De spoelresten (“Slops”) worden in afvaltanks op het schip opgeslagen. Er zijn dus niet, zoals ten onrechte werd gesuggereerd, aan boord van de Probo Koala allerlei raffinageprocessen uitgevoerd.

Einde Bericht

Meer oliehandel:
Trafigura veroordeeld voor olie-voor-voedselfraude
Moody’s pakt oliehandelaar John Deuss aan
Revolutiepoging Rusland; Shell en Exxon de pineut

Lees ook:Tragifura wil Ivoorkust niet bijbetalen voor giframp
Lees ook:Trafigura: ‘geen schuld, wel schadevergoeding’
Lees ook:Zwijgzame Trafigura-baas spreekt na vrijlating
Lees ook:Trafigura veroordeeld voor olie-voor-voedselfraude
Lees ook:Onderzoeken naar gifschip Ivoorkust openbaar

Eén reactie op “Trafigura ontkent; ‘gifschip niet zo giftig’

  1. Dorus

    Kijk, dat je een beteje gif dumpt in donker ver weg Afrika, sja. Maar dat je er bij gaat staan kijken…. ai, foutje!

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